2025-04-27 Start of trips weeks from EFS to Yr. 9 till 8th May Start of trips weeks from EFS to Yr. 9 till 8th May April 27 Start of trips weeks from EFS to Yr. 9 till 8th May trip day for each year to be announced
2025-05-04 Allocated period for final production Allocated period for final production May 4 Allocated period for final production Yr. 7 and 8 and Art Exhibition (all school) till 28th May
2025-05-05 English Language Spelling Bee Competition and finals on the 6th English Language Spelling Bee Competition and finals on the 6th May 5 English Language Spelling Bee Competition and finals on the 6th
2025-05-13 Mid term break till 15th May Mid term break till 15th May May 13 Mid term break till 15th May